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Bands - Play at the Hop Festival

Get in touch!

To help us provide the best possible service for you please fill in this form as accurately and fully as possible.

If you don’t want to use email to converse with us, print off this page, fill it in and post to the address on our contact page but please make sure you do so in good enough time to allow us to prepare.

PLEASE NOTE:  Payment by BACS is 100% easier for both you and us. If you want cash you need to fill in extra (signed) forms so you’ll need both a printer and a scanner OR we have to use post – without the right forms back to us on the day you perform we won’t be able to pay you – BACS is definitely best.

PRIVACY NOTE: By clicking submit you agree to us securely storing the information on this form for the express purpose of communication with you in regard to performance and/or Faversham Hop Festival. We will not use this data in any other way nor will we pass it onto other parties without gaining your express permission to do so beforehand.

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